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​Tuition, Fees, and Related School Policies



Tuition and textbook fee:

Student registration at Spartan Chinese School starts every June, and the students register yearly for a school year, which includes 30 classes totally. The most up-to-date tuition and textbook fee for all grades will be posted on our website when the registration starts. There is also a $20 registration fee, which is waived if registration is received by the registration deadline in August (please refer to Admission information for the date).



  1. 请尽量在每年八月注册截止日期(具体日期见入学信息)之前注册,方便我们及时分配班级、安排老师、配发教材。如果晚于截止日期注册,则不能免除$20注册费,但我们会尽快安排班级和尽量配发教材。

  2. 如果注册时学校已经开始上课,书本费按标准收取,学费则按实际上课次数缴纳。如:每学年30次课,因注册延迟,错过了前2次课,则收取学费=学年学费/30x(30-2)。|

Late registration:

  1. Registration before the deadline in August (please refer to Admission information for the date) is strongly recommended. If registration is received after the deadline, the $20 registration fee cannot be waived, but we will arrange class placement and textbooks, if purchased from the School and available in our stock, as soon as possible.

  2. If registration is later than the first day of school, the textbook fee will be charged as listed, and the tuition will be prorated. For example: There are 30 classes in the school year, the first 2 classes have been missed due to late registration, then the prorated tuition = school year tuition / 30 x (30 - 2).



  1. 如需退学,请email至spartancs.principal@gmail.com提出正式申请,并注明学生姓名和年级。

  2. 如退学,从中文学校购买的教材不能退。

  3. 如退学申请在秋季学期第二次上课日期(具体日期见校历)之前提交,学校将退还整学年学费(含第一次课学费),但需收取$20手续费。

  4. 如退学申请在秋季学期第二次上课日期或之后提交,但早于第四次上课日期(具体日期见校历),学校将扣除已经上了的二到三次课的学费,退还剩余学费,但需收取$20手续费。

  5. 如退学申请在秋季学期第四次上课日期(具体日期见校历)或之后提交,但早于春季学期第一次上课日期,学校将退还春季学期学费(按实际上课次数),但需收取$20手续费。

  6. 如退学申请在春季学期第一次上课日期或之后提交,则不能退还任何学费。

Refund policy for withdrawal:

  1. A withdrawal request should be officially emailed to, with the name and the grade of the Student.

  2. The textbooks purchased from Spartan Chinese School cannot be returned or refunded due to withdrawal from the School.

  3. If a withdrawal request is submitted before the day of the 2nd class of the fall semester (please refer to Academic Calendar), the tuition of the whole school year (including the tuition for the 1st class) will be refunded, but a $20 processing fee will be charged.

  4. If a withdrawal request is submitted on or after the day of the 2nd class of the fall semester, but before the day of the 4th class of the fall semester (please refer to Academic Calendar), the tuition of the first two or three classes that have been taken will be deducted and the remaining tuition will be refunded, but a $20 processing fee will be charged.

  5. If a withdrawal request is submitted on or after the day of the 4th class of the fall semester (please refer to Academic Calendar), but before the day of the 1st class of the spring semester, the tuition for the spring semester (prorated) will be refunded, but a $20 processing fee will be charged.

  6. If a withdrawal request is submitted on or after the day of the 1st class of the spring semester, no tuition will be refunded.



  1. 报名成功后,学校财务人员spartancs.treasurer@gmail.com会在秋季开学前两周或之前,向您报名时留的家长email地址发送学费和书费账单,并告知领教材的时间和地点。如果您没有按时收到账单,请先查看你的广告和垃圾邮件箱等,看是否财务人员的邮件被自动分类或删除了。如果确实没有收到,请尽快主动联系spartancs.treasurer@gmail.com索要相关信息。如果是延迟报名,账单和教材领取安排会尽快通知。

  2. 您可以选择两种方式支付账单:

    • 电子付费:在领书日期之前,用Zelle的付费功能付给。请在款项说明中注明学生姓名和年级。​

      • 注:

      1. 请确保电子邮箱地址拼写正确,并在输入电子邮箱地址后显示收款人“Enrolled with Zelle as Great Lakes Chinese Center”。如因输错收款人造成Zelle转款至错误的收款人且不可收回款项,斯巴达中文学校不负责任。

      2. Zelle的支付功能可在它的合作银行的App和网站上找到,它的合作银行包括但不限于:​​

        • Bank of America

        • Capital One

        • Chase Bank

        • Citibank

        • Citizens Bank

        • Comerica Bank

        • Discover Bank

        • Fidelity Bank

        • Fifth Third Bank

        • Flagstar Bank

        • Huntington Bank

        • Independent Bank

        • PNC Bank

        • Wells Fargo Bank

        • (不包括MSU Federal Credit Union)​​

    • 支票付费:于领书当天,用收款方为GLCC(学校的非盈利组织注册名称是Great Lakes Chinese Center)的支票付款给学校财务人员。请在支票上注明学生姓名和年级。如支票发生跳票,学校财务人员将联系您重新付费,并收取$20手续费。

    • 如果出于无法克服的困难,以上两种付费方式对您都不适用,请email联系spartancs.treasurer@gmail.com商量如何付费。

  3. 教材领取:通常是秋季学期第一次课当天,于课前在学校上课和办公的Berkey Hall领取。如遇特殊情况需要安排提前领取,学校会在账单邮件中附上具体通知。

Invoice, payment, and textbook pickup:

  1. After successful registration, by two weeks before the first class in fall semester, an email will be sent by to the email address of the guardian in the registration. An invoice of tuition and textbook fee as well as the time and location for textbook pickup will be included in this email. If you haven’t received this email by then, please check the promotion and spam folders in your email first. If the email is not there, please contact for the invoice and textbook pickup information.

  2. There are two methods to pay the invoice:

    • Pay with Zelle: Before the day of textbook pickup, pay to via Zelle. Please note the Student’s name and grade as a message attached to Zelle payment. ​

      • Note: 

      1. Please make sure the email address is spelled correctly, and after entering the email address, the receiver is found to be “enrolled with Zelle as Great Lakes Chinese Center”. Spartan Chinese School is NOT responsible for irreversible Zelle transfer to the wrong receiver due to spelling mistakes.

      2. Zelle as a way to pay can be found on the App/website of participating banks, which include but are not limited to:

      • Bank of America

      • Capital One

      • Chase Bank

      • Citibank

      • Citizens Bank

      • Comerica Bank

      • Discover Bank

      • Fidelity Bank

      • Fifth Third Bank

      • Flagstar Bank

      • Huntington Bank

      • Independent Bank

      • PNC Bank

      • Wells Fargo Bank

      • (MSU Federal Credit Union is not a participating bank of Zelle)

    • Pay with check: On the day of textbook pickup, write a check that is payable to GLCC (the School is registered as a non-profit organization named Great Lakes Chinese Center), and give it to our treasurer. Please note the Student’s name and grade on the check. If the check bounces, our treasurer will contact you for payment again and a $20 processing fee will be charged.

    • If neither of the payment methods works for you due to special difficulty, please contact to discuss alternative payment methods.

  3. Textbook pickup: The textbooks are usually distributed on the first day of the fall semester, in the Berkey Hall where the School classes take place and before the start of the class. If early pickup is necessary due to special circumstances, we will notify you of the details in your email with the invoice.



Day off and missed class:

If a student takes a day off for any reason, the teacher will provide learning materials for the missed class, but not makeup class will be provided, and the School won’t refund tuition for the missed class. If a teacher takes a day off for any reason, the School will assign a substitute teacher or arrange a makeup class.

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Zelle QR code to receive payment.jpeg
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