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Credits For Okemos High School
​Okemos 高中学分转换

  • 斯巴达中文学校和Okemos高中有合作关系。Okemos高中承认在斯巴达中文学校学习中文的所有学时(包括高中之前的)为有效语言学时,可以抵扣高中必修的360个外语学时。比如:中文学校每年共计60个学时,一名学生如果在中文学校学习了6年整,则可以凭中文学校出具的成绩单证明已经学满360个学时,在Okemos高中得到外语免修的待遇。如需成绩单,请联系

  • Spartan Chinese School has a collaborative relationship with Okemos High School. All the credit hours from all grades of Spartan Chinese School are considered valid credit hours of language learning at Okemos High School and are counted toward the 360 credit hours required for high school graduation. For example, since Spartan Chinese School offers classes of approximately 60 hours every school year, if a student has enrolled for 6 full years, he/she can present a transcript from Spartan Chinese School to Okemos High School, and waive the required language classes. Please contact to request your transcript.

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