Spartan Chinese School
Est. 1992
Spartan Chinese School provides immersion Chinese programs and accepts kids aged 5 to 18 ONLY. 斯巴达中文学校为5到18岁的学生提供沉浸式的中文课程。
All classes will be on Sundays from 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM, excluding holidays and breaks. For details, please check the Academic Calendar. 所有年级的课程均安排在周日上午十点半到中午十二点二十,具体安排请参考学年日历。
All classrooms are in Bessey Hall. To find Berkey Hall, please check MSU interactive map. 授课地点为密歇根州立大学Bessey Hall,具体位置请参考地图。
Textbook information for each grade can be found under "Textbooks", textbooks will be ordered by the school once the student is registered. 各年级教材信息在“教材”页面有所介绍,教材将由学校统一采购。
Spartan Chinese School has a collaborative relationship with Okemos High School. All the credit hours from all grades of Spartan Chinese School are considered valid credit hours of language learning at Okemos High School. Please read the details here. 斯巴达中文学校和Okemos高中有合作关系。Okemos高中承认在斯巴达中文学校学习中文的所有学时(包括高中之前的)为有效语言学时, 详情请阅读“Credits for Okemos High School”